Oil & Gas
Black Label Services, Inc. is an upstream and midstream Oil & Gas service company. We offer turn-key automation solutions to upstream and midstream customers.

Chemical Injection Systems
Black Label Services now offers custom in-house designed chemical injection skids.
• Capability of making a simple 1 point Injection System that can be increased to 48 Injection points with one control panel
• The ability to run multiple chemicals and multiple pumps off of one controller
• Fully automated based on temperature control or user-set points for timed injections
• Flow control based on PPM of chemical to production volume
• Modbus/SCADA/WiFi capable
• Single point for repair and maintenance
• Accurate dosage rates
• Custom colors/logos available
• Local display for operational ease of use

Integrity Testing/Cleaning Services
Black Label Services provides Integrity Testing on production facilities to verify that equipment meets customer standards. BLS can perform integrity pre-start-up, on a maintenance schedule, or upon request. Our qualified technicians will test the integrity and reliability at high pressure, monitor leaks, and make sure you meet state and federal requirements.
After testing we will provide customers with a detailed report. We also offer all-inclusive cleaning services to keep your facility clean and environmentally sound.

Calibration & Gas Measurement
•Calibration: Meter calibration is critical to profitability. We offer calibration services for all equipment we install and stock all replacement parts. Black Label Services supports assets from conception and every step along the way to ensure your equipment is operating at its highest efficiency.
•Liquid Density Measurement
•Gas Density Measurement
•Volume Measurement
•Mass Measurement
•Meter Provers
•Orifice Plates
•High Volume Meter Proving